Surrounded by the desert
It's a very hot day
And the air is dry
I'm walking with only my backpack
Inside of it a bottle of water and a picture of you
The water so I won't die with thirst
And the picture to regain energy
I don't know where I am
But my love for you leads me
I don't know when I will arrive
And I don't know how many miles I still have to go
The only thing I know is
When I'm there, you will be ready for me
You will give me your whole heart
And until then, I'm waiting
I'm not walking fast
So I won't be with you too early
Cause I'll give you time
Never mind how long it's gonna take
I will be there
When you need me
And I will be there
When you want me
What I don't want
Is to corner you
And I know you will give me your whole heart
When ever the time is right
And when the time has come
You will be mine
Forever you
Forever me
Forever us