in your brown deep eyes
Every time I look at them
it takes my breath away
and I ask myself:
"How long have I waited
to finally hold you
and love you
and look into these profound pools
of brown water?"
the long wait will be over soon
We have waited so long
so long for each other
and finally doom has brought us together
Is it magic or is it just a coincidence?
You got the look of love
onto your face
and I forget time and space
It is time to feel your arms around me
I have waited enough
long enough to finally be rewarded
Every day again, you make me melt
like chocolat left in sunlight
like ice cubes left outside the freezer
Your eyes seem to undress me
with their look of love
and you can't disguise this
I see passion and desire light up
your eyes like candles
The look of love can't be disguised
It is there and you can't hide it
Emotions are stronger than our will
and than our consciousness
Love and feeling most of the time are unconscious
But we have noticed our unconscious emotions
and brought them into our very minds
I can't wait anymore
or I'll go crazy
I am longing for you
and a hug from you
A few more days to go
and we will be rewarded for our patience
Rewarded with a time full of love and happiness
You got the look of love and I got it too