I am taking a moment to think of you, which follows all the moments I think of you, which fill my day.
And in this moment, I am thinking of your lips, your eyes, your features and your figure; your warmth as I hold you; the smell of your hair as we kiss -- all the things that excite me when I look at you and am near you. I am thinking of them, and reflecting how little they mean when I also think of you -- the inner you. The soul I have come to know and cherish, for your kindness with people, your gently manners, and the way you strive to be a better person every day. This is what I love. The you that I know lasts forever, and that I intend to be with forever.
There is so much I would like to say to you, to tell you what you mean to me... but the words don't ever come. You have the most amazing way of showing me how much you care; you share things with me that I couldn't share with anyone else. And through everything we have gone through, all I have to do is lean on you and know my heart and soul are safe. There have been a few speed bumps in our road, but we always stay hand in hand, heart to heart and soul to soul.
I never knew love until you; I can't imagine life without you. You are my everything and I am so blessed with your love and devotion. I love you, Baby, more than I can ever tell you. There are no words for the love I have. It is yours, always and forever, for eternity and beyond.
The first time I heard you say the words, "I love you", it was like a load had been taken off my shoulders. I heard them but was scared but knew that I wanted to hear them again and again for the rest of my life from you.
You have opened up new and exciting doors for us that I can't wait to explore with you. When I feel your touch, my heart melts and my soul is set on fire with desire to hold you and kiss you. You have become my very best friend and my lover. This is love.
I love you with all my heart and soul, now and forever. Thank you for being you and wanting me.