I grew up in a family filled with non-believers, and even now, I've never believed in God. I went through events like a confirmation and had to attend religious classes in school, but I just couldn't get myself to believe in God. As years passed and tragic events happened, I lost faith in believing at all. I've heard sayings about God, that there's a reason for everything He does, but being filled with pain and confusion, I just couldn't understand why He would take loved ones away from us. Going through life filled with tragic and unfair events showed me even more that something like God just couldn't exist. At least not in my mind.
So here I am, trying to put a post together about something I don't really believe in, but feeling the need of having to do it anyway. I feel that there's something higher than us. Something that watches over us and protects us from bad things. Thinking about all the things that have happened in the world and are still happening, there just has to be a higher being. Some things just don't make any sense at all and to find an actual answer to all those questions is just too hard. So I feel it, but do I actually believe in it? I don't know.
A few days ago, I've asked myself the question of whether or not life would be easier if I'd actually believe in something. Would life so far had turned out different if I'd believed in God? Or believed in anything at all? Would I be a different person if that would be the case? But then I realized something. I thought about it hard and long and came to the conclusion that I indeed believe in something higher. Something that's above us and - I like to think so - protects us from the bad. I found something, something that might be the answer to my question.
Who said that believing in something has to be religious? Who said that the only beliefs you can have are the believing in God etc.? I know for a lot of religious people, that's exactly the case. But what about the spiritual folk? Aren't the things they believe in emotional? Like Love and Astrology? Crystals and Tarot Cards? If I'm not mistaken, that's exactly what it is. I'm not sure if I believe in the telling of the future by astrology, crystals and tarot cards, but I can definitely say that I do believe in love. The moment you are born you receive the love of your mother. Then your father and the entire family come into picture. You receive all their love and you didn't even do anything to get it all. You've only seen this world for a few minutes, but you're already overflowed by it. The receiving continues as you grow older, and by the time you can make decisions for yourself, you start giving love. So if we think about this for a second, love accompanies you throughout your entire life, so isn't the belief in love (which is something spiritual) equal to the belief in a God? (religious).
A lot of questions I might never get an answer to, but I'll definitely keep an open mind when going through life, because you never know when something comes your way that makes you feel 'free'!