To be next to you, to feel, touch and smell you, is the best thing in the entire universe and I never want to miss just one second of it. You, my princess, are all I was looking for and all I ever wanted. You managed it that I became a better man, a man who loves you more than anything in the world. You showed me what's wrong and what's right and made me what I am today. Through days and nights were you on my mind, gave me energy and protected me from nightmares in the night.
As beautiful as the flowers on the top of a mountain and as beautiful as the sun when it brights the earth, are you when you build your lips to a smile. When your hair blows in the wind like a bird who spread his wings and I can hear your beautiful voice sweeter than the sweetest symphony, do I know that dreams come true.
Thank you for being such a unique and amazing woman, thank you for loving me that much and thank you for being in my life and make it so valuable.
With all my heart and soul do I promise you to love you forever and ever, infinity and beyond!
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