Sunday, January 31, 2010

2010 - The Year of Changes

Like every new year, you decide on a resolution and within a month, or perhaps even a couple of weeks, the resolution is broken. We all know it, we've all done it - once, twice or even more times.

I've done it too, many many times before. Most of the time I've set my resolutions on losing weight and quitting smoking, but so far I've never succeeded. I went on a diet for maybe 4 weeks and then I got tired of it and just went back to the regular way. Thinking about it now I sure could kick myself in the ass, if only I could reach. But anyhow, last August I decided on quitting smoking. Yes, I've done it many times before, the longest was 1 year without a cigarette, but I kept returning to those smoking lung sticks. So on 08/15/09 I decided to quit for good. Not only for me, but for Kelly as well. I want that my little sperms swim in super speed and make sure they get a place in the egg. I want to be able to run around with our kids without breathing like crazy and I don't want the kids to grow up surrounded by cigarettes. My parents both smoked when I was young and studies show that children are more likely to smoke if their parents do. Now I don't want to blame my parents for me smoking, but I'm just saying. Those are the reasons why I quit and I know I'll never smoke a cigarette again. I want to be ready to support my wife when she decides on quitting and I hope she is proud of me and sees that it is possible, you just have to want it!

So that's what happened in the middle of last year. But last year is past. What matters is what's happening now, here and now in the present. And on January 3rd, a healthier lifestyle has begun. We've decided on eating healthy, exercising and keeping an eye on our weight and so far it's going great. I've lost a total of 9.4 pounds and it feels great. Who would have thought that switching to whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, red potatoes, light stuff and organic fruits and vegetables would still be enjoyable. Well let me tell you: It is delicious, not to mention good for you. I try to exercise at least 1 hour per day with 2 break days a week. It's not always easy but Kelly sure pushes me through. I think she really enjoys working me that hard and hearing me screaming, but after the hour is over it feels great. 'Failure is NOT an option' is our motto and if I can barely push the dumbbells up some more, I just repeat that saying in my head. My goal for this year is to lose at least 100 pounds. Big goal huh? Yeah I know, but I can do it. Why you ask? Because I WANT it. I know I said it before, but it's different now. It's totally different. I had to switch the switch in my head first to be able to let my body go through all that hard work and I finally succeeded to switch it in my head.

I noticed that whatever you want to do, no matter how hard it might be, is possible as long as your head is set to it... because...


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Saturday, January 30, 2010


Friendship is a bond between 2 or more people whom you are close with. A friendship is easy to lose but hard to gain. This is because arguments and fights occur easily between pals. However, friendships are difficult to fix back, or form, due to misunderstandings and the difference of likes and dislikes. Some people treasure friendships a lot, while others take these bonds for granted. A friendship should be valued wisely as such matters do help in the future. When you have a problem occurring, you can always find your friends, or vice versa. These precious bonds are like treasures, difficult to find, but easy to lose.

Although numerous people define friendship in different ways, i define it as loyalty, trust and acceptance between people. In order to form a friendship with someone, a person must be loyal to them and the favor will be returned. This means that no matter what, a friend is always there for them, even in the darkest of times. A friend is willing to give them advice when they're faced with a predicament, and they should be always willing to do the same. When they have a bad day, a good friend is there to cheer them up and make them smile again. Secondly, a good friend must be trustworthy. When someone tells another person a secret, they are trying to prove how trustworthy their friends are. But when someone breaks this trust, the friendship is typically broken or badly damaged. Thirdly, in order to be friends, a person must be able to accept others for who they are. They need to be accepting of who the person is on the inside instead of just the outside. A good friend is also never afraid to do something brainless with their friends when they're just looking for a good time. In conclusion, numerous people define friendship in different ways, however I define it as loyalty, trust and acceptance of others.

Real friends are people you can tell everything to. Whether it's something good or bad, friends are there to comfort you and support you in your decisions. It's not always easy to please a friend, but all you need to do is to talk to them.

I don't have many friends, but that is absolutely fine with me. Quantity over quality is my motto for friends and that explains the choice of people I let close to me.
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Friday, January 22, 2010


Sometimes we see things that aren’t meant to be seen
Sometimes things aren’t always as they seem
Sometimes we need someone to call our own
Especially when we’re alone
Sometimes people just can’t understand
Why things get out of hand
Sometimes life just isn’t fair
Especially when people just don’t care
And sometimes it's hard to say
Why things have to be this way
Sometimes it’s all you can do to get by
Especially when dreams continue to die
Sometimes it’s nice to sit in the rain
Even to just relieve the pain
And when we’ve had a really bad day,
Sometimes we just need to get away
We never know what’s wrong with out pain
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same
And sometimes when people get hurt
Even the strongest ones may need comfort
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Saying I do

Saying I do
Is more than saying I love you
It goes beyond describing how my love is true
Because words are not enough to express my love for you.

Saying I do
Is like saying I am here for you
That I am ready to see what the future may bring
Because we are together in everything.

Saying I do
Is saying I am now complete because of you
That the pieces of the puzzle called "my life"
Becomes a beautiful picture called "our love".

And now I am saying "I DO"
As I walk down the aisle with you
This is a lifetime promise that I will hold
A promise I make until we grow old
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Let me be

Let me be the smile that crosses your lips in a silent empty room
Let me lay in close beside you under a silver wishing moon
Let me stay in your mind and dance with you where no one else can see
Let me be your wish for tomorrow, that you and I are we
Let me sooth away your anger, let me kiss away your tears
Let me chase away your demons, let me love away your fears
I have seen your true sorrows, I have felt your true fears
I have seen your anger and still kissed away your tears
My love for you is eternal and each day I love you more
I am yours and wish for you, all you wish for me, and more
Your eyes find life in me, therefore I live
Your heart deems me worthy, therefore I give
You feel my sincerity, therefore I am what I seem
Your mind dreams, dreams for me, therefore I dream
Your silent will beckons me, therefore I am calm
Your heart truly loves me, therefore I am.
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Because of you

You took away my tears
You took away my pain
Without you in my life
I have nothing to gain

You have stayed with me
Through everything, Kelly Lynn
For that I give you my heart
And all my love within

I go crazy when I can't see you
How much I yearn for your touch
The moment that you leave me
I just miss you so much

I don't deserve all of this
I thought it all the way through
But now my life is so wonderful
And it's all because of you
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Night of Love

When you're lying your arms around me with tenderness
Naked skin turning around and moving
We fall onto silk pillows
I don't want miss one second of your embrace

We feel our bodies, deep sensually
Will awake a need which slept in myself
Want to smell your love with every saps
Overcast hot skin wild with kisses

Our shadows move back and forth in the mirror
Full of expectation we want more
Our heart lose in the lurch of desire
Bright of thousand of flickering candles

I want you with lock, stock, and barrel, want all of you
I cover up myself with tenderness that I don't freeze
Pull you to me, enfold you with the rapture of the night
Do what you want with me which you conceived in your dreams

Hot ablaze flames rise in the darkness
Our bodies entangled and dancing in the round dance
Which overturning our voices in pure passion
And abode the most beautiful hours silently

I'm deep in you, your sweet body quakes in ecstasy
We seek for the most beautiful passion
Hold me tight, your hands buried in my hair
Let us experience on the bottomless variety of love

We succumb without orientation in our passion
Stroking each other, caressing, fly to the heaven
A shower let us shaken in cozy warmth
Dropping, resulting in the feeling you hold me tight

Lets fall back into the soft silk pillows
A kiss from you and I don't want to know what you're thinking about
I tell you, that I don't want to miss you
Dreaming in the sleep we await the day
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