I've done it too, many many times before. Most of the time I've set my resolutions on losing weight and quitting smoking, but so far I've never succeeded. I went on a diet for maybe 4 weeks and then I got tired of it and just went back to the regular way. Thinking about it now I sure could kick myself in the ass, if only I could reach. But anyhow, last August I decided on quitting smoking. Yes, I've done it many times before, the longest was 1 year without a cigarette, but I kept returning to those smoking lung sticks. So on 08/15/09 I decided to quit for good. Not only for me, but for Kelly as well. I want that my little sperms swim in super speed and make sure they get a place in the egg. I want to be able to run around with our kids without breathing like crazy and I don't want the kids to grow up surrounded by cigarettes. My parents both smoked when I was young and studies show that children are more likely to smoke if their parents do. Now I don't want to blame my parents for me smoking, but I'm just saying. Those are the reasons why I quit and I know I'll never smoke a cigarette again. I want to be ready to support my wife when she decides on quitting and I hope she is proud of me and sees that it is possible, you just have to want it!
So that's what happened in the middle of last year. But last year is past. What matters is what's happening now, here and now in the present. And on January 3rd, a healthier lifestyle has begun. We've decided on eating healthy, exercising and keeping an eye on our weight and so far it's going great. I've lost a total of 9.4 pounds and it feels great. Who would have thought that switching to whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, red potatoes, light stuff and organic fruits and vegetables would still be enjoyable. Well let me tell you: It is delicious, not to mention good for you. I try to exercise at least 1 hour per day with 2 break days a week. It's not always easy but Kelly sure pushes me through. I think she really enjoys working me that hard and hearing me screaming, but after the hour is over it feels great. 'Failure is NOT an option' is our motto and if I can barely push the dumbbells up some more, I just repeat that saying in my head. My goal for this year is to lose at least 100 pounds. Big goal huh? Yeah I know, but I can do it. Why you ask? Because I WANT it. I know I said it before, but it's different now. It's totally different. I had to switch the switch in my head first to be able to let my body go through all that hard work and I finally succeeded to switch it in my head.
I noticed that whatever you want to do, no matter how hard it might be, is possible as long as your head is set to it... because...