Let me lay in close beside you under a silver wishing moon
Let me stay in your mind and dance with you where no one else can see
Let me be your wish for tomorrow, that you and I are we
Let me sooth away your anger, let me kiss away your tears
Let me chase away your demons, let me love away your fears
I have seen your true sorrows, I have felt your true fears
I have seen your anger and still kissed away your tears
My love for you is eternal and each day I love you more
I am yours and wish for you, all you wish for me, and more
Your eyes find life in me, therefore I live
Your heart deems me worthy, therefore I give
You feel my sincerity, therefore I am what I seem
Your mind dreams, dreams for me, therefore I dream
Your silent will beckons me, therefore I am calm
Your heart truly loves me, therefore I am.
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