My amazing Kelly,
Another year has passed and I still can't explain the emotions that have surged like a storm through my heart. I've experienced the best journey imaginable, and with every day I get to spend by your side my feelings for you increase in strength and depth. With you I have found my treasure so many people search for in life. Thus for me it's not about wealth, for I am the richest man in the world already.
Describing what was in my heart has always come easy to me. I've never had problems saying how I really felt, but that seems to have changed ever since I met you. Even now, writing this letter to you, I have difficulty choosing the right words, for those words don't really exist. How can I describe everything you've given me? How can I begin to express the love I have known? For years I've been looking for the words to describe how I really feel, the words that could tell you exactly how much you mean to me, how much I really love you, but mere words aren't enough. So let me try to describe the sensation that's deep down in my heart.

You are the sunshine that brightens my every day and the rainbow to which I am so addicted to. Your beauty is like a flower that never stops blooming; starting its journey underground and slowly making its way to the surface. Not one day has passed when I didn't see the reflection from your heart shining through – the heart that has allowed for my love to enter.
Feeling your hands in my hair is like the wind blowing through trees on a warm summer night. Your gentle and carrying touch makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Although feeling a small tickle now and then when you touch my back, I wouldn't give it up for a second, for that special touch feels like electricity shooting through my entire body.
You make life worth living; not just for me, but for everyone around you. You light up a room when you enter and everybody enjoys your company. You turn me on in so many ways, not just sexually but spiritually as well, and that lets me know that the connection we share is unique and could never be replaced. You are my rock in times of trouble and the reason to my breathing. I love the way you look at me ; you don't just look at me, but you look into my soul. Feeling your lips on mine, so soft and sweet, makes me want to stop time and live forever.
Once in a while I like to think back to when I was still in Switzerland, getting to really know the feelings people talk about in movies. Never would I have imagined that missing you could hurt so badly. I've laid awake for many countless nights wishing I'd feel you next to me – instead I felt nothing but air beside me. Getting to know all those different kinds of feelings has helped me appreciate the relationship we have more and because I truly know the emotion and meaning of the term 'missing you', I've indeed learned to also love you more and to cherish what we have to the fullest.
Now, six years later we're married and I couldn't wish for anything else. You're more than I could have ever imagined you'd be. You complete me and make me want to live forever. You let me feel what true love really is. There's not a single doubt in my mind that we're meant for each other and meant to be together to infinity and beyond.
We both know we've gone through good and bad times but because of the bad ones, we appreciate the good ones more and have grown stronger together. There will always be passion between us, and even if there might be times when it seems like it's gone, I'll always know it's there. I'm too passionate about so many things about you, that there's just not the possibility of it ever getting lost.
I love it when you brush my hair when walking by me, just a single touch that means so much. Your embrace calms me down and tells me that no matter what, as long as there is you and me, we'll be just fine. I'm hell on wheels and you're heavenly and together we make the perfect team.
I love when you smile at me, a smile that can enlighten the darkness. Your beautiful brown eyes are mysterious in every single way and I could stare at you for hours, getting lost in the deep and kind world
of your soul.
I enjoy when you play hard to get, because that's when I get to take control and get to show you how much I really want you. The need to be skin on skin with you is like honey for a bee, it's so sweet and addicting that I just can't get enough. There's not one single day when I don't look forward to feeling your lips on mine, to tasting you and just holding you in my arms. Your embrace is so comforting and warm and makes me feel like I can never be lost again. You will always be my safe haven.
Some things just work mysteriously and are unexplainable – and our marriage would be one of those. Never would I have thought I'd turn out the way I did, but because of you, I've become a better man. I appreciate life so much more since you've crossed my way. You've shown me the beauty of truly living, the beauty of love and the beauty of marriage. I love to be married, love to be your husband and am proud to be your man. There's a 'want' and there's a 'need' with a big history in between. I might sound desperate when I say that 'I need you', but I'm not afraid to say how I really feel. I wouldn't know what to do without you, for I could not imagine not having you by my side. You've become the person I can always count on, the anchor in my life and the reason to my happiness. You are the one that makes happiness happen.

Kelly, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on and I'd be a fool if I wouldn't hold on to you. I love you like I've never loved anything or anyone before and I'll continue doing so. My heart jumps of joy and skips a beat at the same time when I think of you, but no matter what, you always put a smile on my face. Your love is like the wind; I can't see it, but I feel it and I'll forever cherish the day I laid my eyes on you, for that's the day I started living.
I love how passionate you get when something really gets your attention and how you'll put everything into it to make it work. Whether it's gardening, writing or sexing ;), you always give it your all.
I can see it clearly, the future we're meant to have. You and me sitting side by side on the wrap-around porch of our house, enjoying a cup of coffee while being covered with a blanket that keeps us warm from the cold breeze. We'll be talking about memories of our life, things we've done that gave us so much pleasure, and I know I'll be sitting there smiling and falling in love all over again, because I'll remember the moments when you brushed my hair, when you looked at me from across the room and made my heart skip a beat. And I'll remember the times when you kissed me, when our lips met with so much passion and our tongues intertwined. I'll remember all of those memories because I cherish every single moment we spend together, every touch I feel, every glance we share and every kiss I get to taste.
Now, it's very much possible that I've rambled and repeated myself, but you can't blame a guy for trying to say what he feels in different ways. I'll continue to give my best and be creative to come up with ways to show you my love, so you ought to stick around just to see what I will do next. :)
I love you, baby, I love you so much because no matter what, you always look for and find the positive in everything. I love you because you always seem to be able to read my mind. I can feel your love, in the warmth of your touch, because it touches my heart and soul. Your heart is as big as a mountain and you're just too good for this world.
Here's to infinity and beyond; four words that mean eternity but won't ever be enough. Just like the days we'll get to spend together in this life will never be enough to show you how much I really love you, how much I really adore you and how much I really cherish every single second spent with you.
Because of you, no matter what may come tomorrow, today my life is more complete!!
Happy Anniversary, my beautiful wife.